

Follow us on Twitter.

And that's an order. Ok, not really.  Anyway, I'm not sure why an employment lawyer needs to be on Twitter.  I guess it's a way for me to "blog" in fewer than 200 characters, without the guilt. Or the grammar.  And then there's the really significant reason. It justifies an iPad 2.0 when it comes out. One cannot tweet effectively without a sleek, shiny Apple product.

Anyway, I'm going to try to tweet about employment law-related articles, announcements by other tweeting employment law-related government agencies, new cases, etc.  And of course I'll "retweet" everything by Justin Bieber, whoever he is.  Who says I'm old and out of touch?  Oh. Right. I do.

We'll still blog about more in-depth analyses of employment law cases, too.  So, please do not despair if you're not part of the twittering horde. 

But if you ARE in our super cool club of twittering employment law-lovers, please follow us on Twitter and do your bit to make us the 3,000,000th most popular member.  OK, it's a stretch goal.  You can sign up here
