


Trial in employment cases is as rare as hen's teeth. Most cases settle. With the increasing prevalence of "EPLI" insurance, there is often little appetite for taking a case "all the way" and facing a jury. At least for us defense lawyers, going to trial is unusual.

Trial also is, to say the least, arduous. Sleep is something you get in between preparing for trial, conducting the trial, and preparing for the next day. No matter how much you prepare, there is much to do once the trial begins.

Once you're there, the odds are against you. Plaintiffs win as much as 60% of the time, depending on the type of claim and the court's location. That's another reason cases settle a lot. Let's not forget the time and money the employer has to spend, and victory defined only as a jury's conclusion that the defendant was right.

Don't let anyone tell you different. Winning is special. So, we're proud to let you know about two employment law trials that concluded this week with favorable outcomes.

First, Shaw Valenza alumnus Shane Anderies, now of Anderies and Gomes, won a verdict in style. His case, covered by the media (also rare), resulted not only in a defense verdict, but also a huge award on a cross-claim for defamation. Read about Moreno v. Ostly et al here.

Oh, yeah, and the Shaw Valenza trial team just received a verdict on behalf of our client Signature Properties in a retaliation case, tried in Sacramento Superior Court. The jury was out just 6 hours after a four week, fifteen trial-day, trial. No press coverage so far. The facts of our case were nowhere near as interesting as Shane's. (His involved a paralegal suing a lawyer for sexual harassment and his defamation cross-action). But winning was just as exciting for our client as us as it was for Shane and his.

Thanks to all of you who patiently waited for return calls during July. I will get back to you soon. I promise. I also will be posting on a number of new cases in the coming days. And congratulations again to Shane, Mr. Ostly, and of course Signature Properties.